Foxit Advanced PDF Editor v3.04 Final + patch
via Sharebeast | IDUP.IN | Billionuploads
FOXIT ADVANCED PDF EDITOR adalah software untuk membuat atau mengedit file yang berformatkan PDF. Software yang hanya berukuran 23 MB ini, memungkinkan sobat 23PC untuk mengedit semua content dalam suatu document PDF dan menyimpannya dalam kertas kerja yang sama atau pun dalam lembar baru. Untuk sobat 23PC yang sering membuat ataupun mengedit file office berbentuk PDF perlu mencoba software yang satu ini. Kali ini 23PC menghadirkan Foxit Advanced PDF Editor v3.04 Final yang sudah dilengkapi dengan Patch, jadi sobat 23PC bisa mengaktivasi software ini tanpa perlu membayarnya.
Edit and modify PDF contents
- Quickly edits PDF document content directly in a PDF file with powerful paragraph editing.
- Link multiple text boxes together to reflow text across multiple text boxes.
- Keep track of changes by inputting new text in a different color.
- Edits the contents of your PDF document.
- Join multiple PDFs into a single document.
- Manipulate layers - show/hide/rename to make editing easier.
- Grids, Guides & margins - to make editing layout simpler.
- Drag and drop hundreds of photos to produce a PDF album.
- Create article threads and export their contents to HTML, ePub, RTF etc.
- Remap fonts to fix PDFs that could not otherwise be edited or exported.
- Renumber pages automatically.
- Clone objects across pages.
- Built-in spell checker enables you to find errors quickly.
- Quickly re-size page margins.
- Let you permanently remove (redact) visible text and images from PDF documents to protect confidential information such as social security numbers.
Convert PDF to ePub, RTF, and HTML file formats
- Easily shares content with other applications, preserving bookmarks and hyperlinks.
Create industry-standard compliant PDFs
- Supports over 200 of the most common office file types.
- Creates PDF files from right click menu.
- Since Foxit products are ISO 32000-1 / PDF 1.7 standard compliant, they are compatible with other PDF products like those from Adobe®.
- PDF/A support for long-term archiving.
Search & Replace Across PDF documents
- Search across multiple PDFs or entire directories full of PDFs. It will work through all documents, leaving original documents intact and keeping track of any errors or problems during processing.
- Search and replace in text, bookmarks, annotations, and hypertext links.
- PDF search and replace by font, color or size.
- More advanced search criteria allow you to limit searches by the size, color or font used for text. Useful for changing text in headers/footers without disturbing similar content in the main body of a PDF.
PDF Creation
- Create industry-standard compliant PDFs from any printable. Since Foxit products are ISO 32000-1 / PDF 1.7 standard compliant, they are compatible with other PDF products, like those from Adobe®.
Review PDF documents with Annotations/Comments
- Adds your comments or suggestions including notes.
- Highlights, underlines, or uses one of many other tools to indicate selected text.
- Indicates the status of PDF document or hint the reviewer where to sign with Stamp.
Add Bookmarks
- Enables users to find information fast with intelligent, automatic bookmark creation.
Add Header & Footer to PDF files
- Inserts page numbers or dates as Headers and Footers directly without requiring other applications; helping you to add more information into the PDF files and navigating them with ease.
Add Watermarks to PDF files
- Watermark can indicate the status of created PDF files, such as Draft or Confidential.
Link Download
- Sharebeast: Download 24mb (full speed)
- IDUP.IN:Download 24 mb (full speed)
- BillionUploads: Download 24mb (full speed)
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